Why do people blog?
WHY DO PEOPLE BLOG? This question has been in my mind since ages (1min) ago.. before i can generally answer that, i've gotta answer that personally.
Why do I blog?Blogging is a way/channel/mean/
(new age cultic movement!) to express how people feel about certain things.. their life.. their gf.. their work.. their dog.. or even their watermelons..(wierd).
The actual reason being is because
people nowadays want to be heard, want to be accepted and etc. Me? Come on lah.. if i want to be heard i would have taken my gun out of the army camp.. The reason for me blogging is really cuz i got nothing better to do since im unemployed. Ok.. i do have to admit i enjoy to write
(sometimes), and that i do have nice tasting watermelons for people to be jealous that i can eat em' and they cant.
What the big deal?The actual reason why people blog?EMO.
Conclusion:Don't blog unless u have nice watermelon for people to get jealous of.