A whole lot of crap
Friday, September 07, 2007
  live life.
Ok, come on... need not everytime tell people about jokes or lame stuff...

I want to thank God for this life He has given me. Few years back, i seriously had no life. Or i should say i didn't understand what life is for. I want to be recognised, i want to be acknowledged, and more importantly, i want to be accepted and be "cool", but honestly i was a timid person, one who didn't even dare touch things that are against the rule. (As timid as a mice!)

The year i retained in secondary 3, made me reflected and pondered on alot of things.
I was born into a christian family, had christianly upbringing and was taught on the word of God, but was far from being a christian. What's life purpose, why am i on this earth for? I kept asking myself that. Thank God i went for a church camp that year.. it impacted me quite abit. I decided and committed myself to be a true christian.

God moulded me for a year as i began to be serious. Life as christian sure isn't is easy, but i know my rewards in heaven are many and plenty!

Not only that, my confidence is in Christ Jesus. Timid? I think i'm very bold now, for His love encourages me and i know my place in Him. Accepted? Come on, if my God is for me, with me, alongside me.. who can be against me? Im accepted together with the saints in heaven! Cool? Think true christians are nerds and have no life and sucks cause of their thinking/rules & regulation/strict lifestyle that doesnt allow partying, clubbing? WRONG! True Christians are the coolest princes and princess in this world! True happiness and joy isn't found in those places of partying and clubbing.. it just drains you of your life and energy! Real happiness and joy comes from the Lord, comes from worshiping Him.

Jesus died for us so that we can have our live our lives to the FULLEST! So Christians, be strong and urge one another to continue to persevere in this race. Non christians, don't you find something amiss in your life? Try Jesus, let Him fill that gap or that empty place. If this day you want to know more about him, feel free to contact me.
you this kind of guai face don't look like retain student at all...

nbss days are so full of memorable memories...
Hey Dan! you're growing up and not just growing older. I think it's alright to be emo, on the contrary, i see more and more people repressing their feelings this days. A good channel to 'let it all out' is blogging. good to see u do just that. Jia you!
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